Gabby_wmoptThis is my niece Gabby’s surprising birthday gift. In fact, she requested me to draw for her a million times, but no time because of travelling in the Philippines and preparing my big sister’s wedding props. I decided to surprise her. I’m really glad that she is happy with the illustration.


Seaweed Typeface



I completed all of the letters. It took me a long time to draw each letter, especially seaweeds. In fact, I just finished the letters in almost two years and each letter only took about an hour. However, I know my patience needed some rest.

By the way, if you want to see more details, feel free to view –

The Doodle Bookmarks

Doodles, Store


This is what I collected the quotes and drew the bookmarks.

The first bookmark has been sold already.

If interested in purchasing the bookmarks for your books instead of e-book or ibook, email me at vpteng88 (at) gmail (dot) com

Requesting me to draw what you like me to draw your favorite things on the bookmark is allowed. 🙂




I drew Pokemon for the 3rd times. There is no way to stop loving it.

The first drawing that I collected and drew monsters on a paper and then I put it inside my cabinet when I was in grade 4 or 5. A few months later, I threw it away. I was supposed to keep it with me but it’s too late. hehe

For the second drawing, I painted a new version of Pokemon on my big sketchpad when I was in 1st year of college.

For now, you can see the new picture I drew.